28 října 2024
Cadastral appraisal and new equipment
28 října 2024
The first cadastral value estimate for the "Sovelmash" D&E has been obtained. The building with an area of 14,887.1 square meters was valued at 861,234,217.58 rubles. Such valuation is required, among other things, for taxation purposes.
This is the amount that the real estate tax will be withheld from and paid by the company in 10 years. So far, being a SEZ resident, "Sovelmash" enjoys a preferential rate of 0% for this tax.
Other news: three new machine units have arrived at "Sovelmash", as well as various tools for these units: cutters, taps, drills. Thus, the company continues to actively prepare for commissioning the enterprise. And it is simultaneously addressing the comments received from the state commission.
While waiting for these activities to be completed, we would like to invite you to enjoy the beauty of the engineering center built with your investments. Your support still plays an important role in the company's efforts to purchase new equipment and tackle other tasks.
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