26 července 2024

Learn about the readiness of the premises and the area around the building

26 července 2024

Together with Alexander Sudarev, we will visit different floors of the design and engineering technology department and take a tour around the D&E.

The readiness of the building is very high!

• Finishing and installation of utilities on the third floor of the production building are nearing completion. On the other floors, these tasks have been completed.

• Furniture is being assembled and offices are being set up on the upper floors.

• The premises are being cleaned everywhere to ensure proper cleanliness for making high-quality products. Several more pieces of cleaning equipment were purchased for this purpose.

• New equipment has been delivered, namely a CNC milling machine.

• Preparations for the International Forum "Army-2024" are underway — the assembly and testing of the exhibits are in full swing.

• Asphalt paving has been completed, and equipment and pedestrian entrances have been installed.

Learn more about these and other activities in the video.

We would like to remind you that soon the "Sovelmash" D&E will undergo a state expert review and, after rectifying the comments, will get a certificate of the construction completion. Our project will then go to the final funding stage, along with which the value of shares in the business will increase. So if you are interested in becoming a co-owner of the innovative enterprise or increasing your share, the best time to buy a new package of shares is now!


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