11 août 2022

Restore your installment plan and buy shares on the most beneficial conditions in the history of the project until August 31

11 août 2022

For our investors from India and Nepal, we are launching an offer to celebrate the recently held SOLARGROUP International Conference in Moscow.

Has your installment plan been cancelled? Restore it on the beneficial conditions available until August 31 inclusive. All you have to do is make just one monthly payment, whereas normally you have to pay the whole due amount at once.

How to restore your installment plan

1. Add funds to your account in the back office in the amount of at least one monthly payment of the cancelled installment plan.
2. Go to "My installments". Select the installment plan you want to restore and click on "Restore the installment". You will see the detailed conditions of the offer.
3. Click on "Restore". Done! Your installment plan is restored. You can now buy shares at the price valid for the restored installment plan stage, i.e. cheaper than they cost at the current project funding stage.

You can boost the profit from restoring your installment plan thanks to the most beneficial offer in the history of the project, which is also valid until August 31. After restoring a package, increase it and get up to 50% bonus shares of their total number in the enlarged package. Details of the offer can be found here - .

Take advantage of the offers and increase your investment portfolio on the most beneficial conditions!

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