1 september 2024

Key statistics remain open

1 september 2024

Dear investors and partners!

You've been actively engaged in the New Generation Airships project, and here's what we've accomplished in terms of funding in 23 days from launch:

• purchased packages worth $ 3,894,000 (including those purchased in installments),
• the amount of actually received funds in the project is $ 313,072,
• 1,246 people have become investors in the project.

Countries that are in the lead by number of investors:

• Russia — 45%,
• India — 9%,
• Vietnam — 7%,
• Benin — 5%,
• Côte d'Ivoire — 5%.

We are grateful to all the investors and partners for such active support of the project!

Starting September 1, we are restricting access to daily online statistics on the project's funding. As explained earlier, we do so because the misinterpretation of these statistics by investors could adversely affect the implementation of the project.

In the future we will provide access to daily online statistics for the top investors of the project. We will definitely report the key figures on a regular basis in our news agenda and at online events.

The amounts of actual payments and liabilities are still always available in the back office.

You can also learn more about the project and invest there.

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