25 január 2023

Project guide: why should one register investment shares?

25 január 2023

You often ask us what are registered and unregistered investment interests. Registered investment shares are the shares you get with a personal certificate of ownership drawn up for them.

Why should one document shares?

The certificate documents that the shares are your property. This is necessary for you to be able to exchange your shares for the shares of "Sovelmash" in the future and get dividends from the activity of the enterprise or profit from selling the shares. Unregistered shares cannot be exchanged for the shares of "Sovelmash", since no user identification will be possible involving the assignment of the equity portion of the investment.

In addition, thanks to registering shares, you will be able to pass them on as heritable property.

The certificate can also be used to promote the project and confirm your participation in it.

How do I register my shares?

You can do it in just a few clicks.

- Go to the Home page of the back office. The "My Shares" section displays the number of registered and unregistered shares. If you have unregistered shares, you will be invited to register them.
- Click the "Register" button. You will be taken to the share registration page in the "Documents" section.
- Confirm your intention to register the shares by checking the box, and then click "Register". Done! Your shares are now registered.

The electronic version of the share ownership certificate is available in your profile, "Documents" tab - "Schedules". You can view and download it. You can also order a printed version of your certificate here.

What else is important to know about registering shares?

• You can only register shares if you have passed verification in SOLARGROUP's back office, because your personal details are required for registration.
• It is possible to draw up one certificate for all shares received after all installment payments are made and and all packages you want are purchased. Or you can draw up several certificates, for example, after each payment. In this case, it will be impossible to combine the certificates into one.

Still have questions about registering your shares? Ask them in the comments below this post or contact our technical support team via the online chat in the back office.

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