28 November 2024

Invest and get round 1 coupons up to and including November 30!

28 November 2024

Dear friends! The first November round of the SOLARGROUP lottery is nearing its end.

We remind you that for every $ 100 you invest in our projects in November, you get 1 coupon for participation in the lottery. $ 100 can be deposited in a lump sum or in several payments. The main thing is that this amount must be spent either on purchasing a new package or towards early repayment of your installment plan!

The more coupons you collect, the more chances you have to win the following prizes:
• a "Slavyanka" based Denzel Liberty electric motorcycle,
• a visit to the "Sovelmash" D&E, Aeronova office, and attending the launch of a stratospheric aircraft,
• $ 200 and $ 100 to invest in the projects,
• coupons to enter the next round of the lottery.

Detailed terms and conditions of the lottery can be found here.

Click here to find out how many coupons you have and how you can get extra ones.

Hurry up to participate and win prizes!

Invest in "Sovelmash"

Invest in airships