2 February 2025
Results of the week in the Duyunov's Motors project
2 February 2025
Sovelmash D&E news
• Last week, a long-awaited stamping machine for the production of rotor and stator plates arrived at the design and engineering technology department. The machine features very high productivity and will be used for serial production.
• A crucible induction melting furnace was delivered. It will be used as a dispensing mixer, including for high-pressure casting machine.
• The assembly of the five-axis and broaching machines was completed.
• A new version of the frame for the Moth quadcopter was electronically designed. The design and configuration of the carrier beams were changed. The labor intensity and cost of the assembly were reduced, while maintainability was increased. The implementation will be executed after the pipe cutter is put into operation.
Acquiring company's shares
The functionality of acquiring the company's shares in the SOLARGROUP back office was launched for Bulgaria, Slovakia and Slovenia. Altogether, filing a request to exchange investment shares for company's shares is already available for 98 countries.
Current offers
The SOLARGROUP lottery ended on January 31. In February, we will raffle off 10 prizes between the final round coupons. Follow our news to find out the raffle date!
Investors Book. Inscribe your name on a special page of the Investors Book in the Duyunov's Motors project by purchasing a special package.
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